Enhanced English Skills for Employment serves immigrants who have education and experience in professions and skilled occupations in business, management, healthcare or trades.
Our courses help you reduce language and cultural barriers in the workplace.
"Studying at EESE helped me to improve my English and find my first job in Canada. There are the best courses that I've ever had. EESE teachers are high professionals and very helpful. I am
happy that I had a chance to study at EESE."
"I am grateful for the opportunity to attend EESE courses. All the courses give a lot of relevant skills in speaking and writing that students can start using immediately. These courses made me feel much more confident in my everyday communication with Canadian colleagues. As a newcomer, I
felt support from teachers and willingness to help in adapting to my new country."


"EESE is very good language school for newcomers who need to improve English and who lack experience in Canada. We learn new things from teachers and guests speakers who come from many organizations. We also make new friends from different countries. All that helped me to adapt, improve my language skills and get a job."
"EESE is one of the best places to study English for new immigrants, well thought through programs, nice
teachers and staff."
Communication on the job requires the ability to inform, train, persuade, entertain or sell to others. This can be stressful! In our Presentation Skills course, students learn the key skills required to plan and structure effective presentations and deliver them clearly, engagingly and confidently.
“One language sets you in a corridor for life.
Two languages open every door along the way."
Frank Smith

500 Shaftesbury Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3P 2N2
office (204) 927-4375
fax (204) 942 0362